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Copyright © 2024 Toronto Seniors Housing Corporation


Board of Directors Reimbursement Policy

Policy Owner: Date Approved:
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Last Reviewed:

Summary of Policy

This policy sets out the guidelines for directors of the Board to be reimbursed for reasoned expenses incurred in exercising their responsibilities as a director.

This policy is designed to be consistent and compliant with the Shareholder Direction from the City of Toronto to Toronto Seniors Housing Corporation, as well as the City of Toronto’s Expense and Travel Reimbursement Policy For City Agencies, Boards, Commissions and Corporations.


It is expected that in the course of exercising duties, expenses may be incurred by members of the Board of Directors. Pursuant to Section 5.5 of the Shareholder Direction between the City of Toronto and the Toronto Seniors Housing Corporation (TSHC), TSHC will reimburse Directors for reasonable expenses.

 Policy Statement

TSHC will reimburse Board members for all reasonable expenses incurred in exercising their responsibilities as a Director. This policy will ensure that reimbursement is done in an accountable and transparent manner.

Application of Policy

This policy applies to:

  • All expenses incurred by a director in performing their duties and responsibilities as a member of the Board and/or on behalf of the Board such as:
  • Representing TSHC at conferences, gatherings, meetings;
  • Being asked to undertake certain specified activities for the Board; and
  • Participation in TSHC Corporate and Community events to which they have been formally asked to attend on behalf of THSC in their capacity as a Director.

      Policy Guidelines

      General Expenses Eligible for Reimbursement

      A Director may be reimbursed for all Board- related activities, including such expenses as:

      • Meals (related expenditures that are incurred in the course of conducting the business of the Board or where the Director is entertaining a guest of the Board);
      • Parking when attending meetings and event for the express purpose of fulfilling duties or expectations as a Director of THSC; and
      • Any other expenses resulting from activities that are appropriate to fulfilling their role as a Director of TSHC.

      Conference Expenses Eligible for Reimbursement

      All TSHC travel by a Director must be approved in advance. Directors who are authorized to attend conferences on behalf of TSHC shall be reimbursed for related expenses including:

      Travel Expenses

      • Travel costs must be based on economy fare rates, unless otherwise authorized by the Directors may not use travel agents who charge service fees.
      • Directors who use a personal car must claim the current per kilometer rate, as determined from time to time by TSHC to be consistent with City of Toronto rates and practices.
      • Board members who use their own vehicle instead of traveling by air will be reimbursed at the rate of economy class airfare or the current approved mileage rate, whichever is less, unless specific rationale and authorization has been given for reimbursement at a higher rate.
      • Other allowable expenses include taxis, shuttles, local transportation and parking, related to their role at the conference as a representative of TSHC.
      • Reimbursement for TTC costs will be provided whenever a board member is required and authorized to travel on board business.

      Accommodation Expenses

      • Eligible accommodation will be a single room at government rates, if available.

      Meal Expenses

      • Meals not covered with the conference fees will be reimbursed at actual cost or up to $65 Canadian funds and up to $65  .S. funds per day outside Canada.). No receipts are required. Where some or all meals are included in the conference / seminar, the per diem must be reduced accordingly.
      • Alcohol charges will not be

      Other Business Expenses

      • Reasonable incidental and business expenses, including faxes, photocopies, courier charges, telephone calls, and mail services will be reimbursed when those expenses are in support of TSHC
      • Incidental childcare expenses as a result of attending Board meetings or on authorized Board business may be reimbursed where the Board deems financial hardship would otherwise Receipts must be provided.

      Submission of Expenses for Reimbursement

      • All expenses must be reasonable and necessary to the business of the TSHC Board and must be within the budgetary parameters established by the Board of Directors.
      • All expenses by Directors must be properly documented and retained in a format which may be reviewed by the Board, or a delegation thereof, from time to time.
      • Acceptable proof of payment (e.g., receipts) must be submitted with any request for reimbursement.
      • The acceptability of proof of payment will be determined by the Chief Executive Officer.
      • Claim forms must be signed, both by the member making the claim and the Chair of the Board certifying that the expenses claimed were incurred in performance of the claimant’s TSHC duties and authorizing the claim, before submitting it to TSHC Staff for Another Board Member must sign the claim form for the Board Chair. (This can be submitted electronically and not necessarily in paper format).
      • It is within the responsibility of the claimant to submit all expense claims for reimbursement within 30 days of the expenses being incurred.
      • If TSHC is reimbursing the claimant for only a portion of an expense and the claimant requires the proof of payment to make another claim, the proof of payment will be returned to the claimant with the notation on it of the portion reimbursed by TSHC.


        • The Chief Executive Officer will determine acceptable forms of proof of payment.
        • Expense claims must be signed by the claimant and countersigned by the Chief Executive Officer or designate certifying that the expenses claimed were incurred in performance of the claimant’s TSHC duties.
        • TSHC will monitor expense claims to ensure that budgetary parameters established by the Board of Directors are not
        • TSHC will report to the Chair on all expenses claimed on a yearly basis.
        • The Board shall report annually to the Shareholder the total expenses paid to each Director using the protocols established by the City’s Chief Financial Officer & Treasurer.
        • TSHC will retain all expense claim forms and submitted receipts which may be reviewed by the Board, or a delegation thereof, from time to time.

        Policy Review

        This policy will be reviewed as required.


        Approved by the TSHC Board of Directors, (insert date).

        Policy Contact