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Copyright © 2025 Toronto Seniors Housing Corporation

Absences from rent-geared-to-income units Guidelines

Guidelines Sponsor: Director, Operations
Approver: Board of Directors
Initial Approval Date: April 28, 2022
Effective Date: June 1, 2022

For a household paying rent-geared-to-income, the City of Toronto’s guideline for social housing sets 90 days as the maximum number of days that all members of the household can be “absent” or not living in their unit while continuing to receive a rent-geared-to-income subsidy. However, there are some exceptions to this rule.

This rule only applies if all members of your household are away at the same time.

Short absences of up to seven days in a row or less are not counted toward the 90-day limit within a 12-month period.

If all members of a household are away for more than 90 days in a row or more than 90 days within a 12-month period, and have not informed Toronto Seniors Housing Corporation, they could lose their rent-geared-to-income (RGI) subsidy. Informing Toronto Seniors Housing Corporation of any absence longer than 90 days will also help us to address safety and repair needs while a tenant is away.

Please tell us if you are in hospital, in rehabilitation, awaiting trial or have documentation to support another valid reason for being away from your unit longer than 90 days.

Learn more by reviewing the City of Toronto Absence from Unit from City Guideline 2013-9

Next Scheduled Review Date: 2027

This policy will be reviewed once every five years.

Guidelines Contact

Manager, Business Operations and Compliance


City of Toronto Absence from Unit from City Guideline 2013-9

Who does the guideline apply to?

The guideline applies to tenants who live in a rent-geared-to-income (RGI) unit.

What is the guideline?

The guideline 2013-9 Local Eligibility Rule – Absence from Unit states the maximum number of days that all members of a household can be “absent” or not living in their unit and continue to receive a rent-geared-to-income (RGI) subsidy is 90 days. It also outlines the exceptions to this rule.

The maximum number of days that a household can be away from their unit is 90 days in a row or 90 days within a 12-month period.

This rule only applies if all members of your household are away at the same time. If at least one member of your household will be living in your unit during your absence, this rule does not apply. A member of your household is anyone listed on your Lease Agreement with Toronto Seniors Housing Corporation.

Short absences of up to seven days in a row or less are not counted toward the 90-day limit within a 12-month period.

Will I be eligible for RGI assistance if I am away for more than 90 days?

You will not be eligible for RGI assistance if you are away for more than 90 days unless you have given notice to Toronto Seniors Housing Corporation in writing of the reason you are away and the reason meets one of the exceptions as stated in the City’s guideline.

If you plan to be away for more than 90 days, call the Tenant Support Centre at 416-945-0800, email: or visit your Regional Office.

What happens if I lose my subsidy?

If you lose your subsidy, you will not lose your unit, but you will have to pay market rent.

What if I am the only member of my household and I have a medical condition that requires me to stay in hospital or be away from my unit?

If you are the only member of your household and have a medical condition that makes it necessary for you to be away from your unit for 90 days in a row or longer to receive treatment, call the Tenant Support Centre at 416-945-0800, email: or visit your Regional Office so we can help you keep your subsidy.

What happens if another member of my household (anyone listed on the Lease Agreement with Toronto Seniors Housing Corporation) has a medical condition and I have to be away from my unit to take care of them?

If all members of your household will be away due to this reason, call the Tenant Support Centre at 416-945-0800, email: or visit your Regional Office so we can help you keep your subsidy.

Will I be able to keep my subsidy if I am being held in jail while awaiting trial?

Yes. If a household has one member, and the member is absent because they are being held in jail while awaiting trial, they will not be considered absent from the unit. Paperwork/proof of the reason for absence must be provided to your Tenant Services Administrator. However, rent must also be paid while you are away.

What if the condition of my bail does not allow me to live in my unit for 90 days or longer?

If a household has one member, and a bail condition of release prevents the member from living in the unit, the household will not be considered absent from the unit. Paperwork/proof of the reason for absence must be provided to the Tenant Services Administrator. However, rent must be paid while you are away.

Will I lose my unit if I am convicted of a crime and serving a sentence?

If a household has one member, and the member has been convicted of criminal offence, the household will be considered absent from the unit for more than 90 days if the jail time served is greater than 90 days.

Note: Being convicted of a criminal offence does not make someone ineligible for RGI subsidy, unless the conviction is for RGI fraud or misrepresentation.

Someone who is convicted and serves a sentence leading to an absence of 90 days or more will lose their subsidy but not their unit and will have to pay market rent.

What are my options if I lose my RGI subsidy?

You can request a review of your eligibility for RGI subsidy by completing a Request for Review Form:

Note: Requests for review must be made within 30 calendar days (plus five mailing days, if the request is mailed by the tenant) after the notice of decision has been given to the household by Toronto Seniors Housing Corporation. When you have completed your form, submit it to:

Toronto Seniors Housing Corporation

Attention: Review Body
423 Yonge St., 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON M5B 1T2