The following terms and conditions only apply to booking space at Toronto Seniors Housing buildings. For more information, please contact your building staff.
Space Usage and Safety
- Space is allocated for the dates stated in the approved booking form only. Please note that booking a community space that is not exclusive means that others may come and go into the space and conduct other activities as the community spaces are open to all tenants unless the space is exclusively booked – for example, a private event.
- The Booking Holder will receive an approval confirmation email that will serve as proof of authorization. The Booking Holder must have a copy of the contract readily available at all times.
- The Booking Holder shall attend the event or program for which the booking was issued and be responsible for attendees.
- Only the areas identified in the approved booking form are to be used by the Booking Holder, unless prior authorization has been received from TSHC staff in writing.
Insurance and Liability
- Tenants booking community spaces for low-risk activities are covered by TSHC’s insurance.
- Tenants who book spaces for medium- or high-risk activities must have insurance that names TSHC as an additional insured. TSHC may ask for a Certificate of Insurance to prove this coverage before the event.
- Tenants are also required to have insurance that names TSHC as an additional insured for high-risk activities. TSHC may request a Certificate of Insurance as proof before the event.
- Please be considerate of other tenants when sharing the space. You are responsible for arranging the collection and removal of all garbage during the booked time. Failure to restore the space to its tidy condition as you found it will result in TSHC assuming this responsibility, with the Booking Holder being charged full cost recovery to clean up the space.
- TSHC will not provide space within its jurisdiction to an individual or group that supports or promotes views, ideas, or presentations which promote or are likely to promote discrimination, contempt, or hatred to any person on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, marital status, family status, sexual preference, or disability, gratuitous sex and violence, or denigration of the human condition. TSHC reserves the right to cancel a contract if any of the above-noted circumstances arise.
Authorization and Documentation
- All exits in the facilities must be kept free from obstructions (nothing blocking the exists) in case of fire or other emergencies.
Event Management
- If the Booking Holder becomes aware of activities or conduct during the use of the space that could lead to personal injury or property damage, the Booking Holder shall take immediate and decisive action to stop or prevent tenants and guests attending the program/event from engaging in these activities or conduct.
- Program and Event activity approvals have been provided based on the tenant applicant’s full disclosure at the time of booking. All activities may not be permissible for all booking types.
- There is no charging of admission, money collection, or sale of refreshments or food.
- Serving alcohol in TSHC community spaces is not permitted. This will result in the cancellation of your booking and may impact or not allow any future bookings.
- The Booking Holder must comply with all applicable rules and regulations, policies, and procedures of the Toronto Seniors Housing Corporation, all City By-laws, including but not limited to By-laws that prohibit smoking, the Noise By-law, Signage By-law, and Parks By-law.
Learn more:
- Community Room Guidelines
- Kitchen Guidelines – see the poster in your community room kitchen
Refunds and Cancellations
- All confirmed bookings are non-refundable and non-transferable. The confirmed booking cannot be given to another tenant to be fair to all tenants. If a community space is closed due to severe weather, or emergency maintenance, TSHC will work to relocate the booking or provide a credit or refund to the Booking Holder.
Private Events
- It is the responsibility of the Booking Holder to make all attendees of its group using the TSHC shared space aware of the terms and conditions on the Booking Form and to provide the attendees with a copy of these terms and conditions, if requested.
Behaviour and Etiquette
Violence at Events
Violence at events will not be tolerated and will result in the immediate cancellation of the booking. Booking Holders, and anyone in attendance, are obliged to refrain from violence, harassment, or hate activity. The Community Safety Unit may be called for support.
Toronto Seniors Housing is not responsible for the loss or theft of any items. Attendees are responsible for all belongings.
The Booking Holder must advise Toronto Seniors Housing at of any media that are to be invited to the event or program at least two business days before the event or program. Toronto Seniors Housing reserves the right to not allow media presence and/or be present during the event or program if media are on site for a tenant event.
TSHC resources or events cannot be used to promote one candidate, political party, registrant, or a supporter of a question on a ballot over another during an election period or any other time. Please see Toronto Seniors Housing’s Elections Policy for more information.
Violation of Terms and Conditions
These terms are in place to make sure everyone enjoys Toronto Seniors Housing shared spaces. If your event or program does not honour the booking terms and conditions, the booking will be cancelled. The Community Safety Unit may be contacted, and future privileges to use the space may be revoked. Additional charges may be added to repair damage, and future bookings may be denied.