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Copyright © 2025 Toronto Seniors Housing Corporation

Phone, cable and Internet

​​​​​​Phone, cable and internet are not included in your rent. You can choose any of the companies that provide service in Toronto. Make appointments with the phone or cable company during the day, from Monday to Friday, so your Superintendent can be there if the technician needs access to a restricted area of the building.

If you live in a building with an enter-phone system and you find it is not working, check with your cable provider to see if their service works with the enter-phone system.

Lobby channel feed

Residents must now have a Rogers cable subscription and a digital box to view the lobby channel feed in the building. 

Installing a satellite dish

You must get written permission from your regional office before you install a satellite dish. A recognized professional must install your satellite dish to meet defined safety regulations and avoid safety hazards. You must provide proof that the satellite dish was installed safely.

Your regional manager can provide a list of qualified contractors to install the satellite dish.

If you install a satellite dish without written permission, you will be charged for the removal and any repairs that are needed.

Please note: If you install a satellite dish, you must have insurance for your home.​​

​​Rogers logo

​Everyone deserves the chance to connect, learn and succeed. The Connected for Success program has three different plans, so that you can sign up for the plan that works for you. If you qualify for the Connected for Success program, you can get one of four Rogers Connected for Success Internet plans:

  • Internet 25u: $9.99/month (plus taxes), unlimited usage, up to 25Mbps download speed.
  • Internet 50u: $14.99/month (plus taxes), unlimited usage, up to 50Mbps download speed.
  • Internet 75u: $24.99/month (plus taxes), unlimited usage, up to 75Mbps download speed.
  • Ignite Internet 150u: $34.99/month (plus taxes), unlimited usage, up to 150Mbps download speed.

Each plan also includes:

  • Unlimited usage
  • Free courier installation and modem (Wi-Fi enabled) rental
  • No credit check required
  • Available assistance from designated representatives who are available Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Call 1-866-689-0758 today to see if you qualify.

Where can I get more information about the program?

You can visit the Connected for Success website for more information. You can contact Rogers by phone at 1-866-689-0758.

Will I be charged fees above the monthly rate for my plan plus tax?

You will be charged late fees if you do not pay your bill on time. You should not see any other charges on your bill. If you ever see a charge above the monthly rate, contact Rogers.

Where can I find the due date for my bill?

All Rogers invoice payments are due 30 days from the start of the bill date, whether you are a bi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual subscriber. This date can be found on the top right corner of your invoice.

How do I pay my Rogers bill?

There are several ways you can pay your bill, so choose a method that’s convenient for you:

  • Online through the Rogers website
  • Pre-authorized chequing or credit card payment
  • By Internet/telephone banking or at most banks
  • By cheque mailed to:
    PO Box 9100
    Don Mills, ON
    M3C 3P9
    Allow five business days for your payment to reach Rogers and be processed.

How can I confirm if Rogers received my last payment and check my balance?

There are several ways you can confirm your payment and account balance:

  • Create your MyRogers account online and track your payment history
  • Call 1-888-764-3771 and select the Billing and Payment option
  • From your Rogers wireless phone, dial *BILL and it will provide your last payment made and account balance