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Copyright © 2025 Toronto Seniors Housing Corporation

Toronto Seniors Housing Corporation is incorporated under the Ontario Business Corporations Act, with the City of Toronto as its sole shareholder.

A Council-approved Shareholder Direction sets out the TSHC’s operating principles and, mandate, the relationship between the TSHC and the City, and other governance matters. TSHC’s operations will be funded in part through the City’s Housing Secretariat Division acting as Service Manager under the Housing Services Act, 2011.

The TSHC Board of Directors includes members appointed by the City Council, including the Mayor or Council member designate appointed by the Mayor, one Council member from the Planning and Housing Committee or the Board of Health, and seven public members, two of whom are senior tenants. City Council will appoint one of the public members to serve as Chair. The membership also includes the City Manager or designate sitting in an ex-officio non-voting capacity

Find out about opportunities to serve on the TSHC Board.

City of Toronto budget process

TSHC’s budget is tied to the City of Toronto’s. You can find out more about how you can get involved in the City’s budget process on the City’s website or go to our Announcements page.

Meet our Board

Fareed Amin
Board Chair
View Bio

Headshot of Councilor Vincent Crisanti

Councillor Vincent Crisanti
View Bio

A close-up photo of Lawrence D'Souza.

Lawrence D’Souza
View Bio

A head-shot style photo of Linda Jackson

Linda Jackson
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A close-up photo of Warren Law.

Warren Law
View Bio

A close-up photo of Jim Meeks.

Jim Meeks
Tenant Director
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Councillor Josh Matlow
View Bio

A close-up photo of Brenda Parris.

Brenda Parris
View Bio

Jag Sharma
View Bio


Any member of the public may ask to make a deputation at a Board or Board Committee meeting. A deputation is a way for people to speak at a Board or Board Committee meeting about a specific subject on the agenda. Deputations can be spoken or in writing, however they need to be about items that are on the meeting agenda. A person who gives a deputation is referred to as a deputant.

The deadline to register to speak at a meeting or to submit a written deputation is 12 p.m. on the business day prior to the Board or Board Committee meeting. Deputants may only depute once on the same item. Each deputant is limited to five minutes per item (excluding questions from the Board or Board Committee members).

Speaking at a Board or Board Committee Meeting

To register as a deputant and address the Board of Directors, please call 416 945-0465 or email You will need to provide your name, your phone number, and the agenda item(s) you want to speak about.

Written Submission

To make a written deputation, please email You will need to provide the agenda item(s) that you are writing about. Your message will be shared with the Board or Board Committee.

For more information, please see the Board and Board Committee Meeting Procedures.

Deputation Tips

A typical deputation follows this format:

1. Thank the Chair and the Board

2. Introduce yourself and why you are speaking.

3. Explain your concerns and how they affect you and your community.

4. Thank the Chair and the Board and remind them that you will be paying attention to how they vote on this item.