Health and Safety Policy Statement
Toronto Seniors Housing Corporation and its subsidiaries are committed to working together at all levels to create and maintain a healthy and safe work environment that addresses risks to the physical and mental wellness of all employees.
- The Board and the CEO shall ensure that appropriate resources are provided to create, manage and support a leading organization in health and safety.
- The CEO shall ensure that appropriate systems are in place to meet and strive to exceed applicable legislative requirements, and shall provide the Board with information to facilitate their monitoring of the company’s health and safety program.
- Managers and supervisory staff shall be responsible for compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and related legislation, policies and guidelines within their area of This includes the ongoing education, instruction and training employees must receive about the potential hazards of the work.
- Employees have a corresponding obligation and duty to apply the training and instruction received to comply with health and safety policies for their own protection and the protection of others.
- All workers, including suppliers and contractors, must comply with applicable statutes and the company’s health and safety policies and guidelines of the organization.