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Copyright © 2024 Toronto Seniors Housing Corporation

2023/24 Tenant Experience Survey

Between December 2023 and January 2024, Toronto Seniors Housing conducted its first Tenant Experience Survey to better understand how tenants feel about their living environment and the services at TSHC. The survey results also help TSHC track its progress on future goals.

The survey was created with input from TSHC staff, tenants, and board members. To make sure it was accessible, the survey was offered in 13 languages, and could be completed on paper, online or by phone.

In total, 24 per cent of tenants participated in the survey. Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback. The main responses are summarized below.

Overall, tenants feel positive about TSHC services:

  • 80 per cent of tenants are generally happy with TSHC services.
  • 82 per cent of tenants are proud to live at TSHC.

Tenants also rated other areas positively:

  • 85 per cent are happy with maintenance in their buildings, and 86 per cent with cleanliness.
  • 90 per cent find their homes and buildings are accessible.
  • 83 per cent feel safe in their homes.
  • 87 per cent think staff are respectful, and 80 per cent feel staff are accountable.

However, some areas need improvement and matter to tenants’ overall levels of satisfaction:

  • Improving the quality of programs in buildings.
  • Better information on accessing services and supports.
  • Creating more comfortable spaces for tenants to share their concerns with TSHC.

Link here to review the complete survey results.

TSHC staff are working on an action plan, to be finalized by September, 2024. For more details, contact